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Cheatsheet 3 - Docker Volumes

Command Description
docker run --mount type=bind,source=<hostpath>,target=<containerpath> <image> Mount path from host into a container
docker run --mount type=bind,source=<hostpath>,target=<containerpath>,readonly <image> Mount path from host into a container as readonly
docker run --mount type=bind,source=${PWD}/<hostpfad>,target=<containerpath> <image> Mount path from host relative to the current directory into a container
docker run --mount source=<volume>,target=<containerpath> <image> Mount volume into a container
docker container inspect -f "{{.Mounts}}" <container> Show volumes of a container
docker volume create <name> Create volume
docker volume ls Show volumes
docker volume inspect <name> Show low-level details of volume
docker volume rm <name> Delete single volume
docker volume prune Delete all unused volumes
docker run -v ${PWD}/<hostpath>:<containerpath>:ro <image> Old spelling: Usage like --mount