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Cheatsheet 5.1 - Docker Compose commands

Services are defined in the docker-compose.yml. This must be located in the current directory. <service...> can be replaced by one or more services. You can omit it completely, in which case the command is applied to all services.

Command Description
docker compose up -d <service...> Create and start one or more services
docker compose down Stop and delete all services and networks
docker compose down -v Stop and delete all services, networks and volumes
docker compose build <service...> Build one or more services
docker compose pull <service...> Pull the images of one or more services
docker compose up -d --build --pull always <service...> Build or pull services; Create and start services
docker compose logs <service...> Output the logs from one or more services
docker compose ps Display the running containers
docker compose top <service...> List the running processes of one or more services
docker compose create <service...> Create one or more services
docker compose start <service...> Start one or more services
docker compose stop <service...> Stop one or more services
docker compose rm <service...> Delete one or more services
docker compose exec <service> <command> Execute command in container with TTY
docker compose exec -T <service> <command> Execute command in container without TTY

Cheatsheet 5.2 - docker-compose.yml

All entries beginning with cw- are freely selectable names. All lines that begin with # are comments.


  # create one or more services
    # build points to a directory containing the Dockerfile. This
    # file will be build
    build: ./path/to/directory
    # define the image with optional tag. Will be pulled if not present
    image: <image>:<tag>
    # Most of the time, it's either 'build' or 'image'. They can be used in combination though. See:

    # optional: overwrite entrypoint
    entrypoint: /bin/bash
    # optional: overwrite command
    command: echo $MYSQL_USER

    # List of dependend services
    ## This service (cw-webapp) will be started after all services it
    ## depends on have started
      - cw-database

    # List of port forwarding entries
      -  5000:5000

    # List of volumes
      - cw-webapp-volume:/app/data/notes

    # List of networks
      - cw-database-network

    # List of environment variables
      - "MYSQL_USER=example-user"
      - "MYSQL_PASSWORD=..."

  # second service:

# (optional) create one or more managed volumes

# (optional) create one or more networks