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Virtual Machines


  • In this project you'll get started with Virtual Machines, learn how to start them and run your first application on them.
  • Take your time and look around.


  • Try to solve the following tasks on your own without using the hints.
  • If you get stuck, you'll find an expandable hint block for every task with a detailed description of the solution.

Task 1 - Create an Exoscale account

  • Create an Exoscale account with the link provided by your instructor.

Task 2 - Login to the training environment

  • Your machine for the training is reachable at code-{NUMBER} Replace {NUMBER} with the number that was assigned to you.
  • Example for the number 5:
  • Example for the number 11:
  • Enter the password that was given to you.
  • You now have access to your personal machine for the training.

Task 3 - Create an SSH key

To be able to connect to your VMs later on, you'll need an SSH key. In the VSCode instance you'll find a terminal in the upper left corner. Open it and run the following command:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100

This will create a new SSH key pair. You'll find the public key in ~/.ssh/ Print the contents of your public key to the terminal with the following command:

cat ~/.ssh/
  • Copy the output of the command
  • Got to the Exoscale UI and create a new SSH key with it

We will use this key later on when creating our VMs.

  • Go to the Exoscale UI
  • Click on Compute in the left sidebar
  • Click on SSH Keys in the left sidebar
  • Click on Add in the upper right corner
  • Choose a name for your key and paste the contents of your public key into the Public Key field

Task 4 - Create a Security Group

A security group is a set of firewall rules that can be applied to multiple VMs. Create a security group with two rules. One rule that allows incoming traffic on port 80 (HTTP) and another rule that allows incoming traffic on port 22 (SSH). This will allow us to connect to our VMs via SSH and to access our application via HTTP.

We will use this security group in the next task when creating our VMs.

  • Go to the Exoscale UI
  • Click on Compute in the left sidebar
  • Click on Security Groups in the left sidebar
  • Click on Add in the upper right corner
  • Choose a name for your security group, for example allow-http-and-ssh
  • Click on Create Group
  • Click on the security group you just created
  • Click on Add Rule in the upper right corner
  • Click on SSH
  • Click on Add Rule in the upper right corner
  • Click on Add Custom Rule
  • Choose TCP as protocol
  • Enter 80 as start port
  • Enter 80 as end port
  • Click on Create

Task 5 - Create a VM

  • Go to the Exoscale UI
  • Click on Compute in the left sidebar
  • Click on Instances in the left sidebar
  • Click on Add in the upper right corner
  • Choose a name for your VM, for example my-first-vm
  • Choose Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64-bit as template
  • Choose DE-FRA-1 as zone
  • Choose Micro as instance type
  • Choose 10GB as disk size
  • Choose the ssh key that you created as key pair
  • Choose the security group that you created
  • Click on Create

Task 6 - Connect to your VM via SSH

  • Copy the SSH command from the VM details page
  • Paste the command into the terminal of your VSCode instance
  • You are now connected to your VM via SSH

Task 7 - Install nginx

  • Run the following command to install nginx:
sudo apt install nginx
  • Enter the ip of the VM into your browser
  • You should see the nginx welcome page
  • Stop nginx with the following command:
sudo systemctl stop nginx

Task 8 - Run a Docker container

  • Run the following command to install docker:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install
  • Run the following command to start the demoapp:
sudo docker run -p 80:5000 corewire/docker-demoapp:latest
  • Enter the ip of the VM into your browser
  • You should see the demoapp

Task 9 - Create a VM with Userdata

  • Go to the Exoscale UI
  • Click on Compute in the left sidebar
  • Click on Instances in the left sidebar
  • Click on Add in the upper right corner
  • Choose a name for your VM, for example my-second-vm
  • Choose Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64-bit as template
  • Choose DE-FRA-1 as zone
  • Choose Micro as instance type
  • Choose 10GB as disk size
  • Choose the ssh key that you created as key pair
  • Choose the security group that you created
  • Enter the following script into the Userdata field:
apt update
apt install -y nginx
systemctl start nginx
  • Click on Create
  • Enter the ip of the VM into your browser
  • After a 1-2 minutes you should see the nginx welcome page