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Managed Databases


  • In this project you'll create a database and learn how to connect to it.


  • Try to solve the following tasks on your own without using the hints.
  • If you get stuck, you'll find an expandable hint block for every task with a detailed description of the solution.

Task 1 - Create a Database

  • Create a postgres database with the UI or the CLI.
  • Go to the Exoscale UI
  • Click on DBAAS in the left sidebar
  • Click on ... in the upper right corner
  • Click on Add PostgreSQL Service
  • Choose a name for your database, for example my-first-db
  • Click on Create

Task 2 - Make the Database accessible

  • Switch to your VSCode terminal
  • Get the public IP of your VSCode instance with the CLI:
  • Add the public IP of your VSCode instance to the database firewall with the UI or the CLI.
  • Go to the Exoscale UI
  • Click on DBAAS in the left sidebar
  • Click on the database you just created
  • On the left side click on IP Filter
  • Add the public IP of your VSCode instance to the field and press +

Task 3 - Connect to the Database

  • Connect to the database with the CLI:
pgsql <uri connection string>
  • You'll find the connection string in the Exoscale UI in the database details.
  • The connection string looks like this: postgresql://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>
  • Exit the database shell with \q and press Enter.

Task 4 - Create a Demoapp VM

  • Create a Security Group with the CLI:
exo compute security-group add demoapp-sg
exo compute security-group rule add demoapp-sg --port 22 --network
exo compute security-group rule add demoapp-sg --port 80 --network
  • Create a new VM with the CLI. Replace <SSH Key name> with the name of your SSH key and <vm-name> with a name for your VM:
exo compute instance create \
  --disk-size 10 \
  --instance-type standard.micro \
  --template "Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64-bit" \
  --security-group demoapp-sg --ssh-key <SSH Key name> <vm-name>
  • Connect to the VM
ssh ubuntu@<ip>
  • Become sudo
sudo su
  • Install docker
apt update && apt install -y
  • Run the demoapp with the DB credentials. Replace <host>, <user>, <password> and <db name> with the credentials of your database:
docker run -p 80:5000 --env "DATABASE_HOST=<host>" --env "DATABASE_PORT=21699" --env "DATABASE_USER=<user>" --env "DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD=<password>" --env "DATABASE_NAME=<db name>" corewire/docker-demoapp:exoscale
  • Open the demoapp in your browser with the public IP of your VM.
  • There is still an error message for the database. We'll fix that in the next task.

Task 5 - Make the DB accessible from the VM

  • Add the public IP of your VM to the database firewall with the UI or the CLI.
  • Go to the Exoscale UI
  • Click on DBAAS in the left sidebar
  • Click on the database you just created
  • On the left side click on IP Filter
  • Add the public IP of your VM to the field and press +
  • Open the demoapp in your browser
  • The demoapp should no longer show errors for the database. You can ignore the error for S3 for now.