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Cheatsheet 3 - Branches

Part 1

Command Action
git switch <branch> Switch to a local branch or get a remote branch and switch to it
git switch -c <branch> Create new branch and switch to it
git branch List available branches
git branch -a List all available branches (also from remote)
git branch <branch> Create a new branch
git branch -d <branch> Delete the branch <branch>
git fetch [<remote>] [<branch>] Fetch changes from the remote
git push [<remote>] [<branch>] Push local changes to the remote server
git push --set-upstream <remote> <branch> Push local branch to the remote server
git merge <branch> Merge <branch> into the active branch
git merge --no--ff <branch> Merge without fast-forward

Part 2

Command Action
git rebase <branch> Move current branch onto <branch>
git pull --rebase <branch> Get changes from server and rebase onto <branch>
git stash Temporary put aside current uncommitted changes
git stash pop Get and apply last entry from stash