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Cheatsheet 4 - History Rewriting

Command Action
git rebase -i HEAD~4 Interactive rebase of the last 4 commits
git cherry-pick <commit-hash> [...more commit hashes...] Apply a single commit to HEAD
git apply <patchfile> Apply patch-file
git format-patch <branch> -o <dir> Generate a patch-file in <dir> from the differences of current branch and <branch>
git format-patch <branch> -1 <commit_hash> -o <dir> Generate a patch-file for <commit_hash> in <dir>
git am <patchfiles> Apply patch-files and create commit from them
git filter-branch --tree-filter <commmand> HEAD Check out all parent-commits and apply <command>
git filter-branch --all --tree-filter <command> Check out all commits and apply <command>
git filter-branch --index-filter <command> HEAD Apply <command> on all parent-commits in INDEX
git push --force-with-lease Overwrite remote versions DB from local
git reflog Show the reflog for HEAD
git reflog show <branch> Show the reflog for <branch>
git reflog stash Show the reflog for the stash