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Basic Commands


  • This project is about the basic functionality of git. You will change/modify files.
  • After every action run git status to see the results of your changes. In the end you'll create a commit with all your changes and send it to the server by pushing it.


  • Try to solve the following tasks with the help of the Slides and the Cheatsheets.
  • If you still run into problems, you'll find an expandable hint block for every task with a detailed description of the solution.

Work on the following tasks and run git status after every action that you take.

Task 1

  • Change the content of files/change_me.txt and save it.
  • Let git show you the changes that you made.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Open the file change_me.txt in the file browser on the left side at my-fist-project/files.
  • Change the content and save it with Ctrl + s.
  • Click on the terminal and make sure that you are in the folder ~/workspace/my-first-project.
  • Run git status. The output should include modified: files/change_me.txt.

Task 2

  • Move the file files/move_me.txt to a different location. Use the respective git command for that.
  • Let git show you the changes that you made.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Run git mv files/move_me.txt files/new_location.txt.
  • Run git status. The file was renamed and added to the staging-area automatically.

Task 3

  • Delete the file files/delete_me.txt.
  • Let git show you the changes that you made.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • In the file browser look for delete_me.txt.
  • Delete the file by right clicking on it and pressing Delete Permanently.
  • Run git status. The file is shown as deleted.

Task 4

  • Rename the file files/rename_me.txt with the file browser on the left side of VSCode.
  • Let git show you the changes that you made. The old file should be marked as deleted and the new one as untracked.
  • Add both files to the staging area.
  • Let git show you the changes again. Both files should now be shown in the Changes to be committed area with the status renamed.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • In the file browser search for rename_me.txt.
  • Rename the file by right clicking on it and pressing Rename.
  • Switch to the terminal and run git status. The old file should be shown as deleted and the new one as untracked.
  • Add both files to the staging area by running git add files/rename_me.txt and git add files/{new_name}
  • Check the resulting state again by running git status. Both files should now be listed under Changes to be committed with the status renamed.

Task 5

  • Create a new file files/new.txt and add it to the repository.
  • Let git show you the changes that you made.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Create a new file by right clicking and pressing New File on the directory files.
  • Name the file new.txt.
  • Run git status. The file will now be listed under Untracked files.

Task 6

  • Create a commit with all changes that you made so far.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Add all changes that you made in the directory files to the staging area by running git add files.
  • With git diff --staged you can show all the changes that will be part of the commit. With q you can exit.
  • Create a commit by running git commit -m "My first commit".

Task 7

  • View your new commit in the commit history.
  • The name and the email address are currently automatically configured.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Run git log. Latest commits are on top. With q you can exit.
  • The commit that you just created will be shown.

Task 8

  • Change the git identity to use your name and arbitrary email address.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Change your name with git config --global <Name>.
  • Change your email address with git config --global

Task 9

  • Create the file files/ignored.txt. This file should not be added to any commit and also not shown by git status.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Create a file ignored.txt in the folder files.
  • Run git status. The file will be shown under Untracked files.
  • Create the file .gitignore in the folder my-first-project.
  • Add the following line to the .gitignore file:

  • Run git status again. The file ignored.txt should no longer be listed.

Task 10

  • Create a second commit. It should contain only the file .gitignore.
  • When your run git status afterwards, no changes should be visible.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Add .gitignore to the staging area by running git add files.
  • Run git diff --staged to show what changes will be committed.
  • Run git commit. The nano terminal editor opens up.
  • Enter a commit message like "Add .gitignore".
  • Save with Ctrl + o and Enter.
  • Leave the terminal editor with Ctrl + x.

Task 11

  • Check your commit history again. A new commit with your name as an author should be visible.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Run git log.
  • The commit created by you will be shown. This should show your name as author.

Task 12

  • Push your changes to the server. In Gitlab you can verify that your changes were successfully sent to the server.
Solution (Click on the arrow if you are stuck)
  • Run git push.
  • Switch to the Gitlab web interface.
  • On the top left corner under Projects look for my-first-project.
  • If my-first-project is not shown directly, click on Your projects and you will find it there.
  • View the commit.